April 20, 2021 – JOC Releases New Proposed Jordanian Constitution – Removes Monarchy



For Immediate Release    April 16, 2021                                             

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JOC Releases New Proposed Jordanian Constitution

Draft Constitution Removes Monarchy, Outlaws Terrorist Organizations,

Establishes Individual Rights All while Creating A Democracy In Jordan


(Amman, Jordan) –  As promised, The Jordanian Opposition Coalition (JOC) today released the following Constitutional documents via Press Release, Complete Wording and Video:

“Jordan has been in turmoil now for the last several weeks, and it shows that the Hashemite Regime, led by Dictator King Abdullah II, is crumbling,” Mudar Zahran, Secretary General for the Jordanian Opposition Coalition (JOC), said. “When a regime crumbles, it’s time for the country as a whole to head in a new direction, and that new direction always calls for a new Constitution.”

“The concepts in this document eliminate the Monarchy,” Zahran continued. “To create this document, we studied Constitutions from around the world, and throughout history, and the US constitution has been our greatest inspiration while preparing this document.”

The document being presented to the world community not only declares individual rights, but outlines the operations of the new Jordanian government. To create these operations, the JOC has melded concepts found in the US Constitution with the operations of a Parliamentary body. As a result, the document creates 3 branches of government, supported by separate but equal powers.

“To support this, we have also created a Bill of Rights,” Zahran continued. “We are going to support the rights of humans to practice ones faith in peace, although Jordan will be an Islamic nation.”

“This new Constitution is revolutionary for the Middle East because it was created before a movement takes place not after,” Zahran added. “The Constitution takes vital concepts from each of the following constitutions and melds them into one, high quality Constitution that will represent Jordan’s modern Islamic Democracy movement: Iraq, Afghanistan, Egyptian, English and American”.

Zahran added, “The proposed Constitution then organizes them for a Jordan that lives in economic peace with its neighbors and is able compete in world economic markets”.

By its design, this is a DRAFT document that the JOC has used to discuss issues with a variety of groups. The JOC also guarantees 100% that before any new Constitution is placed before the Jordanian people for a democratic vote, a Constitutional Commission will review it, and the review will take place publically through hearings held throughout the country.

“We believe in transparency, and the hearings will ensure that all Jordanians will have a chance to participate in the creation of this document,” Zahran added. “This Constitution will be ours and represent us, not be a document that supports a Hashemite dictatorship.”

According to Zahran, “We want to hear from everyone, so visit our website and leave us a message.”

The JOC is also asking other countries, world bodies, and international leaders for suggestions on how to make this document better so that it serves the direct needs of the people and country of Jordan, and the general needs of the world.

“Bringing Jordan into the 21st century without bloodshed is an intriguing one,” said Mohammad Beitbet, Shadow Secretary of Labor of the JOC.  “Any avenue that helps bring peace, stability and economic success to that corner of the world, will improve the lives of millions of people, and in my opinion is an avenue worth walking down to see where it goes.”

“This is one of the most encouraging documents to come out of a Middle East movement for democracy in years,” Michael Ross, the JOC’s Senior Advisor said. “When I put this document together, we used one, fundamental concept: the concept of one man, one vote being supported by transparency.”

“What makes this even more exciting is this: most political movements that create a new country create a Constitution AFTER they take over, not before,” Michael Ross added. “This document not only provides a transparent roadmap for everyone to follow, but it is designed to organize all opposition groups around foundational concepts that will help make the transition to a new Jordan a success while bring peace and prosperity to millions of people in the region.”


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