JOCAdmin Tue, 20 Apr 2021 22:36:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 JOCAdmin 32 32 April 20, 2021 – JOC Releases New Proposed Jordanian Constitution – Removes Monarchy Tue, 20 Apr 2021 22:36:51 +0000 Continue reading April 20, 2021 – JOC Releases New Proposed Jordanian Constitution – Removes Monarchy]]>



For Immediate Release    April 16, 2021                                             

Contact in Europe:  0044-777-179-9880

Contact in USA:  1-916-923-2215 (PDT)


JOC Releases New Proposed Jordanian Constitution

Draft Constitution Removes Monarchy, Outlaws Terrorist Organizations,

Establishes Individual Rights All while Creating A Democracy In Jordan


(Amman, Jordan) –  As promised, The Jordanian Opposition Coalition (JOC) today released the following Constitutional documents via Press Release, Complete Wording and Video:

“Jordan has been in turmoil now for the last several weeks, and it shows that the Hashemite Regime, led by Dictator King Abdullah II, is crumbling,” Mudar Zahran, Secretary General for the Jordanian Opposition Coalition (JOC), said. “When a regime crumbles, it’s time for the country as a whole to head in a new direction, and that new direction always calls for a new Constitution.”

“The concepts in this document eliminate the Monarchy,” Zahran continued. “To create this document, we studied Constitutions from around the world, and throughout history, and the US constitution has been our greatest inspiration while preparing this document.”

The document being presented to the world community not only declares individual rights, but outlines the operations of the new Jordanian government. To create these operations, the JOC has melded concepts found in the US Constitution with the operations of a Parliamentary body. As a result, the document creates 3 branches of government, supported by separate but equal powers.

“To support this, we have also created a Bill of Rights,” Zahran continued. “We are going to support the rights of humans to practice ones faith in peace, although Jordan will be an Islamic nation.”

“This new Constitution is revolutionary for the Middle East because it was created before a movement takes place not after,” Zahran added. “The Constitution takes vital concepts from each of the following constitutions and melds them into one, high quality Constitution that will represent Jordan’s modern Islamic Democracy movement: Iraq, Afghanistan, Egyptian, English and American”.

Zahran added, “The proposed Constitution then organizes them for a Jordan that lives in economic peace with its neighbors and is able compete in world economic markets”.

By its design, this is a DRAFT document that the JOC has used to discuss issues with a variety of groups. The JOC also guarantees 100% that before any new Constitution is placed before the Jordanian people for a democratic vote, a Constitutional Commission will review it, and the review will take place publically through hearings held throughout the country.

“We believe in transparency, and the hearings will ensure that all Jordanians will have a chance to participate in the creation of this document,” Zahran added. “This Constitution will be ours and represent us, not be a document that supports a Hashemite dictatorship.”

According to Zahran, “We want to hear from everyone, so visit our website and leave us a message.”

The JOC is also asking other countries, world bodies, and international leaders for suggestions on how to make this document better so that it serves the direct needs of the people and country of Jordan, and the general needs of the world.

“Bringing Jordan into the 21st century without bloodshed is an intriguing one,” said Mohammad Beitbet, Shadow Secretary of Labor of the JOC.  “Any avenue that helps bring peace, stability and economic success to that corner of the world, will improve the lives of millions of people, and in my opinion is an avenue worth walking down to see where it goes.”

“This is one of the most encouraging documents to come out of a Middle East movement for democracy in years,” Michael Ross, the JOC’s Senior Advisor said. “When I put this document together, we used one, fundamental concept: the concept of one man, one vote being supported by transparency.”

“What makes this even more exciting is this: most political movements that create a new country create a Constitution AFTER they take over, not before,” Michael Ross added. “This document not only provides a transparent roadmap for everyone to follow, but it is designed to organize all opposition groups around foundational concepts that will help make the transition to a new Jordan a success while bring peace and prosperity to millions of people in the region.”


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Legislation: The Public Servants and Serviceman’s Living With Dignity Act Wed, 07 Apr 2021 02:17:36 +0000 Continue reading Legislation: The Public Servants and Serviceman’s Living With Dignity Act]]>  TITLE: The Public Servant and Servicemen’s Living With Dignity Act


The Hashemite royal family ruling Jordan is made up of just 82 individuals. Nonetheless, their lifestyle is too expensive to maintain, especially when the state pays for it out of their general fund budget. As a result, impoverished Jordanians pay for the royal family’s nonstop global travel, private jets, lavish places, yachts, designers’ clothes, luxury and collectable cars and wild association and partying with the rich and famous around the world. This lifestyle robs the general fund of much needed funds for projects that benefit the people, and has resulted in wide-spread poverty, and a non-stop economic crisis with Jordan’s public debt hitting almost 100 percent of the country’s gross domestic product.  This has resulted in staggering poverty rates in Jordan, hitting public servants, educators and servicemen and women the most. With salaries as low as USD 350 for teachers and soldiers, those men and women serving the public are left out starving and unable to provide to their families.


In recent years, the King of Jordan has made several promises to increase their pay. The best he did was an occasional USD 70-150 grant to soldiers and a 50 percent pay increase to teachers which was never paid.

To make matters worse, Jordanian teachers are protesting in the streets for their rights, faced by police oppression and physical assaults by the king’s thugs. At the same time, they are all expected to perform their best to serve the country.  This has resulted in bad government performance and a deteriorating efficiency of the public sector. Even worse, the Middle Class has disappeared, stalling economic cycle and driving Jordan’s economic crisis even worse, with no sign of care or change of lifestyle by the Hashemite family. Too add insult to injury, educators have been arrested, their credentials revoked and they have been saddled with criminal records that will hinder their ability to find work.


  • Pass legislation that grants calculation of a minimum wage;
  • Earmark the minimum wage to rate of inflation, so when wages remain at part with the economy;
  • Restrict the Royal Family’s access to unlimited funds;
  • Establish a minimum standard of living for a family of 4;
  • Introduce a new universal minimum wage based on research not political whims;
  • Increase the country’s budget by $5 billion, with that money being used to:
    • Expand public employee wages;
    • Create public works projects;
    • Hire people to work on those projects;
  • Provide all Jordanians with a one time $1,000 (one thousand dollar) grant
  • Adjust tax codes to reflect these new provisions.


  • Public employees
  • The Military
  • Educators
  • International Lenders
  • Economists


  • The king himself and the royal court which has access to billions of dollars with no accountability or transparency. This bill will challenge their pay and corruption and allocate the money to deserving Jordanians and not the corrupt royal family.
  • Corrupt corporate entities who are affiliated with the royal family (or owned by it), who insist on paying Jordanians below a survival minimum wage, exploiting them as cheap labor.

ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT: This measure will

  • Secure Jordan’s economic prosperity while creating a positive, functioning economic cycle;
  • Secure Jordanians’ confidence in their country and economy while enhancing consumer confidence;
  • Increase the efficacy of teachers, public servants and hence the efficiency of the government as a whole;
  • Would improve the morale and efficiency of the Jordanian military through the satisfaction of Jordanian servicemen and women;
  • Save money because it will better allocate the budget spending towards the necessary aspects and not the king’s lifestyle and that of his corrupt family;
  • Provide more money for public works, health, education and military projects because this measure will enhance transparency and efficiency as funds will be allocated to a large sector which is public pay rather than being loose and uncontrolled, preventing the king from using the country’s budget as his own personal bank;
  • Enhance the pay and the disposable income of Jordanian government and military staff, while stimulating the economy and creating jobs;
  • Expand consumer purchasing power, jump starting the Jordanian economy;
  • This measure will help bring Jordan in line with today’s modern economies.


  • Jordan does not have the money for this;
  • Implementing this legislation may be difficult to approve for foreign creditors;
  • Because of constitutional issues, questioning the king and the royal family’s finance is out of the question;
  • The Royal family who will no longer be allowed to use the Jordanian general fund as their personal bank account(s)


  • No such proposal has ever been introduced in the Jordanian parliament for fear of arrest, imprisonment, torture and possible death.

FISCAL EFFECT: This legislation will:

  • Save Jordanians money by questioning expenses and protecting elected officials, allowing them to review and ask questions – providing transparency to the public;
  • By opening up the ‘books’ and allowing for investigations, Jordanians will be able to negotiate with international bodies for fair rates, as well as the ability to renegotiate current liabilities;
  • More money for public servants means less governmental expenses, means less taxes and a smaller government, and smaller governments stimulate their economy.

SECTION AFFECTED: As Per Legislative Council

LANGUAGE ATTACHED: Specific Language: No. Structural Language: Yes. This act should be designed using the following concepts:

  • Section 1: Intent
    • The purpose of this legislation is to increase the standard of living for those employed by the Jordanian Government
  • Section 2: Public employees covered under this act include, but are not limited to:
    • Anyone who is pay by a government entity for wages;
    • Anyone who serves in the Military;
    • Anyone who is a credentialed Educator;
    • Anyone who is classified as a public service employee;
  • Section 3: Definition of public employee
    • A public employee is anyone who receives a pay check for services rendered by the Jordanian Government
  • Section 4: Enactment Date:
    • This act takes place 30 days after passage
  • Section 5: The Royal Families Salary
    • The Royal family shall receive $1,000,000,000 (one billion dollars) a year for services rendered;
    • All expenses for their services shall be paid for out of this sum;
    • The Jordanian budget shall.
  • Section 6: Grant
    • All civil servants, as defined in this act, shall receive a $1,000 (one thousand dollar) grant;
    • This grant is not taxable.
  • Section 7: Commission
    • The Jordanian Legislature shall establish a Blue Ribbon Commission that will, within 365 days, hold hearings and establish a minimum wage for the general public, Public Service Employees, Educators and the military;
    • The Commission shall be funded with $1,000,000 to undertake the duties as established by this act;
    • The Commission shall establish standards based on establishing a minimum standard of living for a family of 4;
  • Section 8: Consumer Price Index
    • All wages shall be tied to the Jordanian Consumer Price Index;
    • Each year, on the first of the year, wages shall increase based on the exact figure as established by the Consumer Price Index;
  • Section 9:  Budget
    • The Jordanian Budget shall be expanded by $5,000,000,000 (five billion dollars);
    • The money expended under this act shall be earmarked to undertake the creation of public works projects and the hiring of new public employees;
  • Section 10: Tax code
    •  Adjust tax codes to reflect these new provisions.


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Platform, Constitution and the Public Servant and Servicemen Living With Dignity Act Wed, 07 Apr 2021 01:40:56 +0000 Continue reading Platform, Constitution and the Public Servant and Servicemen Living With Dignity Act]]>  


For Immediate Release    April 6, 2021                                   

Contact in Europe:  0044-777-179-9880  – Contact in USA:  001-916-923-2215 (PDT)


Jordanian Opposition Coalition Releases

Platform-Constitution-First Legislation


(Amman, Jordan) –  As part of their comprehensive Political Platform, The Jordanian Opposition Coalition (JOC) today released the following documents via Press Release, Complete Wording and Video:

“We are in unprecedented times, and want the attention of each and every Jordanian”, Mudar Zahran, Secretary General of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition said. “Thanks to the events of the last 48 hours, the game has changed, the Hashemite Regime of King Abdullah II is morally and economically bankrupt and crumbling before the eyes of the world, and we are ready to step in an represent the New Jordan before the world.”

The JOC released the following three summaries:

  • Platform: This document outlines what we stand for and what we will do for each and every Jordanian;
  • Constitution: Democracy, Transparency, Define Rights and Equality are the documents fundamental elements;
  • The PSSLDA: Defunds the Royals while Reforming Public Service Pay

The JOC released the following three summaries:

  • Platform: This document outlines what we stand for and what we will do for each and every Jordanian;
  • Constitution: Democracy, Transparency, Define Rights and Equality are the documents fundamental elements;
  • First Legislation: Defund the Royals and Reform Public Service Pay

“If Jordanians are to work together to build a national democracy, everyone needs to be involved, and involvement starts with transparency, truth and that understanding that we are partners in Jordan’s future,” Zahran added. “During the Arab Spring, we’ve seen many Arab nations seeking democracy without a clear roadmap to get there, this has resulted in civil wars, the Muslim Brotherhood taking over, or the dictatorships becoming stronger by simply replacing a dictator by another, we won’t allow any of this in the New Jordan.”

“This is why we have a written platform, that anyone can view,” Zahran stated. “We support transparency, and as such, we write everything down on paper, and will post this on our website for the world to see and understand what we are all about.”

“Its time for the Royals to be Defunded so that others can earn a living wage,” Zahran added, “For all too long, the Hashamites have made promises that they could not, would not, and did not deliver.”

The Platform has been placed online for public viewing and establishes the fundamental philosophic policies that the Jordanian Opposition Coalition will bring when they come to office.  To support their efforts, the JOC has also created and placed online a Constitution that is supported by a comprehensive Legislative Package that implement solutions to the issues addressed in the Platform and Constitution.

The first piece of legislation is entitled the Public Servants and Servicemen’s Dignity Living act and is designed to do two things – first, provide civil servants and military servicemen (of all categories) with a developed county’s standard living wage which will help boost consumer spending and the economy. The second part is to fund the raise (and other outlined projects), by stripping the Royal Family of their income.

“Jordan has a yearly Parliamentary budget of about $13 Billion, while the country brings in about $30 Billion in taxes,” Zahran continued. “The Royal family and their supporters live off the backs of Jordanians, wasting money on their opulent lifestyles, and its time that it stopped and they learned how to make a honest living.”

According to JOC’s Secretary General, Naseem AlGheewan, “The concepts outlined in the Platform provide us with direction, while the Constitution provides us with specifics.”

AIGween added, “Saving billions in wasted money will not only improve the lives of millions in Jordan, but will lay the foundation for public works projects that will put the nation on the path towards full employment.”

“We are going to save money, put people to work and make Jordan prosperous,” AlGheewan said. “The key is making changes in a specific areas to prime Jordan’s economic engine.”

“Trade unions, and Members of Parliament, as well as political leaders around the world, we want to work with you to bring Jordan into the 21st century,” Zahran added. “The world recognizes that the King has run Jordan into the ground and that because of his actions, Jordanians are eating out of garbage cans, have lost rights and are being arrested at a rapid rate, a rate that is filling up jails and denying Human Rights.”

“Our Constitution and legislation brings Human Rights in Jordan, front and center,” Zahran said. “We have over a dozen more pieces of ground breaking legislation, and over the next 2 weeks, it will be released and posted on the JOC’s website located at:

According to the JOC’s Senior Advisor, Michael Ross, “I have been working with the JOC now for several years, and they are serious about solving Human Rights problems and bringing change and bringing democracy to their country, and the Platform, Constitution and Drafted Legislation says a lot about their dedication and direction.”

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April 1, 2021 – Mission Statement Press Release In Arabic Thu, 01 Apr 2021 18:50:12 +0000 Continue reading April 1, 2021 – Mission Statement Press Release In Arabic]]>


بيان صحفي


1 أبريل 2021                                              للتواصل: 9880-777-179-0044 في أوروبا

001-916-923-2215 في الولايات المتحدة        


الائتلاف الأردني المعارض يصدر بيانا بأهدافه ومشروعا للدستور

 ومجموعة تشريعات استعدادا ” لأردن جديد بعد إسقاط النظام” 


(عمان ، الأردن) – في إطار برنامجه السياسي الشامل ، أصدر الائتلاف الأردني المعارض اليوم بيان برسالتهمتوفرا على  موقعه الائتلاف الإلكتروني ( 

كذلك فإن الائتلاف الأردني قد وضع تفاصيل بيان رسالته وأهدافه، على موقعه أدناه:  

إضافة لبيانه الصحفي:

وفيديو توضيحي لمخطط الائتلاف لأجل أردن جديد: 

وصرح د. مضر زهران الأمين العام للائتلاف الأردني المعارض: “بعد ما شهده الأردنيون في الأسابيع القليلة الماضية ، قررنا أن نشمر عن سواعدنا ونبدأ الإعداد لأردن جديد ما بعد رحيل النظام”،  “نظام عبد الله الثاني ينهار، والاحتجاجات تملا الشوارع منذ مدة ونحتاج أن نؤمن قيادة بأيد ثابتة للإمساك بدفة الأردن.” 

وأضاف زهران: “إذا أراد الأردنيون العمل معًا لبناء ديمقراطية وطنية، فيجب أن يشارك الجميع بها، وفهم بأننا جميعا شركاء في أردن المستقبل”، مضيفا: “خلال الربيع العربي ، رأينا العديد من الدول العربية تسعى إلى الديمقراطية دون خارطة طريق واضحة للوصول إلى هناك ، وقد أدى ذلك إلى حروب أهلية ، أو سيطرة الإخوان المسلمين ، أو تقوية الديكتاتوريات بمجرد استبدال ديكتاتور بآخر ، نحن لن نسمح بحدوث أي من هذا في الأردن الجديد “. 

وأضاف زهران: “على عكس الملك وبرلمانه المدجن ، فإننا نؤمن بالشفافية الكاملة، لذلك قمنا إصدار بيان مهمتنا وتوضيح أجندتنا كي يعلم الشعب الأردني العظيم ما هو القادم وما ستنجزه المعارضة فور وصولها للسلطة“. 

تم وضع بيان رسالة الائتلاف الأردني على الإنترنت، حيث يمكن الاطلاع عليه هنا:  

حيث تتناول المعارضة الأردنية  سياساتها القادمة بشأن 6 قضايا محددة. كما طرح الائتلاف  حزمة تشريعات شاملة تنفذ حلولاً للقضايا التي يتناولها بيان الائتلاف وهي:

الاقتصاد (كيفية خلق فرص عمل)

التعليم (إعادة تأهيل التعليم بالكامل)

الديمقراطية (تأسيس حقوق مدنية دستورية جديدة على مستوى وثيقة الحقوق المدنية الأمريكية)

العلاقات الدولية والسلام

العسكرية (رفع رواتب العسكريين بشكل فارق وتحسين ظروف خدمتهم)


ووفقًا لنائب الأمين العام للائتلاف الاردني، نسيم الغيوان ، فإن “المفاهيم الواردة في بياننا ستنعكس على  مسودة الدستور الذي اعددناه مع مجموعة خبراء دوليين، وكذلك مع حزمة التشريعات التي سيتم الكشف عنها خلال الأسبوعين الأولين من شهر أبريل“. 

وقال الغيوان: “سنوفر المال ونشغل الناس ونجعل الأردن مزدهرا”. “ومفتاح ذلك هو إجراء تغييرات في مجالات محددة لتهيئة المحرك الاقتصادي للأردن حتى تحلق البلاد اقتصاديا.”

وأضاف الغيوان: “لقد بدأنا العمل مع النقابات العمالية وأعضاء البرلمان والقادة السياسيين حول العالم”. ” فعلى العالم ان يدرك أن الملك قد دفع بالأردن إلى القاع وأن السلام الحقيقي في الشرق الأوسط لن يتحقق أبدًا طالما أن جسد الأردن تنخره البطالة الهائلة والفساد الهاشمي“.

وأكد الغيوان: “سننشر كل ما انجزناه وأعددناه خلال الأسبوعين القادمين، وسيرى الأردنيون ما أعددنا لأجل أردن جديد متقدم، دون الكلام والشعارات التي صدع بها الملك رؤوس الأردنيين منذ عشرين عاما وونيف”

وفقًا لمايكل روس ، كبير مستشاري الائتلاف الاردني، بالنسبة إلى أي مطلع على الأمر من خارج الاردن ، فإن الائتلاف الأردني يبدو  جادا ومثابرا في إحداث التغيير في الأردن وإدخال الديمقراطية إلى بلدهم وحماية وتعزيز حقوق الإنسان والتغيير لأجل الأردنيين جميعا“.

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April 1, 2021 – Mission Statement Press Release Wed, 31 Mar 2021 20:44:16 +0000 Continue reading April 1, 2021 – Mission Statement Press Release]]>


For Immediate Release                                                    Contact:  0044-777-179-9880  In Europe

April 1, 2021                                                                            001-916-923-2215 (PDT) In the USA


Jordanian Opposition Coalition Releases Mission Statement 

Draft Constitution & Legislative Agenda To Follow

(Amman, Jordan) –  As part of their comprehensive Political Platform, The Jordanian Opposition Coalition (JOC) today released their Mission Statement via:

“After what Jordanians have witnessed the last few weeks, we are rolling up our sleeves”, Mudar Zahran, Secretary General of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition said. “The Hashemite Regime of King Abdullah II is crumbling, there is rioting in the streets and we need someone with a steady hand to hold onto Jordan’s rudder.”

“If Jordanians are to work together to build a national democracy, everyone needs to be involved, and involvement starts with transparency, truth and that understanding that we are partners in Jordan’s future,” Zahran added. “During the Arab Spring, we’ve seen many Arab nations seeking democracy without a clear roadmap to get there, this has resulted in civil wars, the Muslim Brotherhood taking over, or the dictatorships becoming stronger by simply replacing a dictator by another, we won’t allow any of this in the New Jordan.”

Zahran added, “Unlike the King and our Parliament, we believe in 100% Transparency, and releasing our Mission Statement sets the tone for our agenda.”

The Mission Statement has been placed online for public viewing at and establishes philosophic policies in 6 specific categories. The JOC has also created a comprehensive legislative package that implement solutions to the issues addressed in the Platform. The categories outlined in the Platform are:

  • Economics (We are going to create jobs)
  • Education (Revising Education)
  • Democracy (Establishing new Constitutional rights based on the US Bill of Rights)
  • International Relations & Peace (Our Partners, Friends and Future)
  • Military (Enhancement, Pay and Use)
  • Terrorism (The JOC will be “Partners in a peace that eradicates terrorism instead of a policy of appeasement and support for terrorism).

According to JOC’s Secretary General, Naseem AlGheewan, “ The concepts outlined in the Platform will be reflected in both our Constitution and the legislative package that will be unveiled during the first 2 weeks of April.”

“We are going to save money, put people to work and make Jordan prosperous,” AlGheewan said. “The key is making changes in a specific areas to prime Jordan’s economic engine.”

“We are starting to work with trade unions, and Members of Parliament, as well as political leaders around the world,” AlGheewan added. “The world recognizes that the King has run Jordan into the ground and that true peace in the Middle East will never be won as long as there is massive unemployment, government corruption and double standards.”

As the legislation is released, it will be posted on the JOC’s website. Each piece of legislation will contain an actual outlined law, the specific language of the proposed law, a press statement supporting the measure and a video.

According to the JOC’s Senior Advisor, Michael Ross, “To outsiders, it appears that the JOC is serious about bringing change and bringing democracy to their country in an effort to both protect and enhance Human Rights and change in Jordan.”

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March 26, 2021 Legislative Announcement Fri, 26 Mar 2021 21:03:38 +0000 Continue reading March 26, 2021 Legislative Announcement]]>  

For Immediate Release                                                                                                                 Contact:

March 25, 2021                                                                 In Europe: +447771799880  —– In the USA 916.923.2215


Jordan’s Opposition: “We’re Preparing For The Day After The Regime Falls”


Will Release Platform, Mission Statement, Proposed Constitution & Legislative Agenda

(Amman, Jordan) – The Jordanian Opposition Coalition (JOC) today made three announcements. The JOC has:

  • Created a new website, located at
  • Finalized their Platform and Mission Statement – to be released in 2 days
  • Finalized their 2021 legislative agenda.

“We are now certain King Abdallah’s regime is clinically dead, and shall go away sooner rather than later, therefore, we are preparing for the at after the regime is gone, and we won’t allow a gap of power like the ones persisting in Libya and Iraq”, Mudar Zahran, Secretary General of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition said.  “Our agenda is people based, and designed to address many of the nation’s problems.”

According to Mudar Zahran, “We have based our agenda on our platform, and the proposed, new Constitution, with one aim at mind: serving the Jordanian people.”

“We are preparing for the day after the regime falls,” Zahran added.

The JOC has a very ambitious 2021 Legislative Agenda that consists of the following:

  • Political Platform
  • New Constitution
  • First Aid Awareness Month – First Aid & Covid-19 Education and Protection
  • Legislative Immunity
  • Jordanian Stock Market reorganization
  • Vaccine delivery
  • Public Servants and military personnel pay reform.
  • Peace and Partnership with Israel
  • Highway from Saudi Arabia to Israel
  • Tariffs Reform
  • Civil Service Pay Raises (Military, Law Enforcement, Gov. Employees, Educators)
  • Education Package – funding, expansion, inclusion, curriculum, and small business graduation loans and the nation’s 10 Education Commandments

“We are going to save money, put people to work and make Jordan prosperous,” Zahran said. “The key is making changes in a specific areas to prime Jordan’s economic engine.”

Naseem Gheewan, JOC’s Deputy Secretary General added: “The direction we are taking is novel for our people, and the region”.

According to the Deputy Secretary General, “Introducing laws and making decisions that support our people and strong economic prosperity instead of decisions that sound great but remain simply paper theories is what Jordanians have experienced for decades”

“Our platform also supports the expansion of everyone’s most basic human rights,” Gheewan continued. “Our Constitution and legislation supports the expansion of human, civil, social and economic rights for young and old or male and female regardless of race or religion.”

The JOC is also working on an Unemployment Benefit bill that secures a minimum wage for every individual who is unemployed up to European standards. When asked how will they get the money to do this, Zahran stated “Much of the funding we need to fix many of our programs will come from money that we save by not funding the lavish lifestyle of the royal family.”

In 2020, Jordan’s budget was estimated to be just under $12 Billion, yet it is estimated that the country had at least $36 billion in income. What happened to the money?

The legislation will be released on a daily basis, starting on March 29, 2021. As the legislation is released, it will be posted on the JOC’s website. Each piece of legislation will contain an actual outlined law, the specific language of the proposed law, a press statement supporting the measure and a video.


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